07/13/2016 • Security Management, Access Control, Time Attendance

prime WebTime

Modern Time & Attendance provides all necessary information

With primeWebTime, the employees’ attendance and absence is registered and controlled. The hours worked are valued and handed over to the human resources accounting. The data serves as a basis for statistics and appraisals and can be used for production data acquisition for project-related post calculations, for example.

The monitoring of personnel costs, its’ usage-related bill and turnover of employees between different time models, is displayed responsibly.

Modern Time & Attendance systems need to meet various requirements:

  • Flexible working hours
  • Annual working hours
  • Working life
  • Shift planning
  • Personnel deployment planning
  • Holiday planning

Reservations can be carried out at Time & Attendance terminals, at the computer or via the prime MobileApp for smartphones, for example for field representatives.

Depending on the legal framework on the individual states, more requirements may be added. Extensive add-ons are available. Interfaces of payroll and salary programmes ensure the determination of times which are subject to supplement, such as overtime, night, weekend and bank holiday bonuses, and the direct transfer to the system (e.g. SAP, PAISY, DATEV, sage, among others).

The primion Time & Attendance system is:

  • Built up modularly
  • Secure and flexible
  • Extendable at any point

A connection to the access control system is also possible. In this way, access to the business premises can coincide with the start of the shift, for example, as is customary in the fire brigade or ambulance service. Reservations can be carried out at Time & Attendance terminals, at the computer or via the prime MobileApp for smartphones, for example for field representatives.


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primion Technology GmbH

Steinbeisstraße 2 - 5
72510 Stetten am kalten Markt

Phone: +49 7573 952-546
Fax: +49 7573 920-34

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