The NFC mobile tool and the battery-operated electronic RFID furniture lock Permetio is a system to use and administrate stand-alone solutions. The RFID furniture lock based on Multi ISO platform (LEGIC SM4200M) is simply integrable in roll-fronted cupboards, drawers, double doors, lockers, glass cabinet … The lock stores authorisation and log data. The lock configuration occurs about master-cards or the NFC-Mobile-Tool "NMT" in combination with a PC software named „Access Manager“.
The NMT is a universal handheld-tool for bidirectional communication by RFID HF interface which is powered by rechargeable batterie. The complete system is controlled by the software “Access Manager”. Configuration data are loaded above the interface USB in the NMT and are distributed afterwards mobile to the locks. The mobile collected lock data are loaded on the PC and can be exchanged when required by CSV-file with other systems.