Using clean-up filters in laser based spectral analytical set ups will be essential to achieve maximum signal-to-background ratio to block any background noise. For single laser lines a great variety of clean-up filters is already available.
New are dual, triple and quad line laser clean-up filters: AHF offers in cooperation with Chroma Technology and Semrock multiline laser clean-up filters, e.g. quad line clean-up ZET 405/488/561/638 or ZET 457/488/561 or ZET 442/514/561.These filters can be completed to get a full multiband set, e.g. quad band set 405/488/561/635, consisting of multiband clean-up, multiband beamsplitter and multiband emitter. Mounting this filter set into a microscope filter cube allows easy handling and switching of laser lines. New designs according to customer specifications can be asked for at any time, AHF offers you full service.