Spetec Laminar Flow System
The SuSi series is the brand new product range of Spetec laminar flow modules. SuSi stands for super silent – the airflow characteristics were optimised and quieter fans are used.
Requirements for a clean environment are always becoming more demanding. Clean room technology plays an increasingly important role in nearly all high-tech sectors.
The Spetec FMS laminar flow module makes it possible to establish clean room conditions at a workstation with simple, cost-effective means. Suspended from the ceiling, the module is operated directly over the workstation or a machine. Ambient air is extracted using radial fans and pushed through the filter. This generates a laminar flow, i.e. the filtered air streams down in parallel flow lines. Particles are picked up by the parallel stream of air and transported to the outside.
The Spetec laminar flow modules in the SuSi product series feature extremely low noise development. A filter cassette that is firmly screwed to the module holds the main filter. This makes replacing the main filter extremely easy in just a few simple steps. An H14 filter is used, supporting clean room class 5 in the airflow directly underneath the laminar flow module. Six different formats are offered – with filter sizes from 0.37 to 1.12 sqm.