The Sartorius technology group extended its arium lab water family by three product lines: the arium pro ultrapure water system, the arium advance pure water system and the arium comfort combination system. They generate Type 1 to Type 3 ultrapure and pure water, delivering the right water quality for any laboratory application. The highlight of these lines is the comfort series.
In addition to providing ASTM Type 1 ultrapure water, this space-saving combination unit also produces Type 2 and Type 3 pure water.
Low quantities of organic contaminants in water are all it takes to have a negative impact on laboratory tests. The systems’ integrated UV lamp prevents microbiological growth, thus reducing the TOC content (Total Organic Carbon = degree of organic contamination) to a minimum. If a Sartopore 2 sterilizing grade filter is used on arium, ultrapure water is practically free of microorganisms when dispensed.