04/17/2012 • Laboratory appliances • Laboratory installation / Services

Auriga Laser: Combination of FIB/SEM Technology with Laser Ablation for Fast Sample Preparation

The Auriga Laser is nominated in the category B of the G.I.T. InnovationsAward 2012. This laser combines the advantages of the CrossBeam (FIB-SEM) workstation with the capabilities of a pulsed micro-focus laser for fast ablation of material. The system is suited for the microscopic examination of samples where the target structure is buried under material layers. To gain access to the target structure this material needs to be removed. Mechanical ablation and cross-sectioning of large material volumes often causes deformations, making the sample unsuitable for further examination. In contrast, applying a focused ion beam is inefficient, because the process is much too slow. Ablation with a pulsed micro-focus laser beam does not damage the sample, and it enables ablation rates comparable to mechanical removal.

Category B: Biotechnology and Life Sciences

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--> Carl Zeiss MicroImaging, hall A2, booth 111/210
--> GIT VERLAG, hall A2, booth 308/310


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