The Postnova CF2000 Series is perfect for high resolution and gentle Separation, Characterization und Fractionation of micro- and nanoparticles. The wide separation range is from 5 nm to 100 µm. The separation channel is flat and ring shaped and without a stationary phase. All aqueous and organic solvents can be used. Titanoxid-, Silica-, Latex-, Gold-, Silver- and Eisenoxid-Particle, but also viruses, cells, liposomes or Exosomes can be separated.The combination of CF2000-MALS-DLS-Systems determines the absolute particle size (hydrodynamic radius, Rh and radius of gyration, Rg).
Category A: Analytical Instrumentation and Software
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--> Postnova Analytics, hall A2, booth 323
--> GIT VERLAG, hall A2, booth 308/310