A wide variety of applications in microscopy or optical measurement technology require a sample or an optical element to be positioned in a vacuum of up to 10-11 hPa. One approach consists of positioners with vacuum stepper motors – from simple linear or rotation units to Hexapods and spacefabs that allow six-axis positioning in the smallest spaces with high accuracies of a few micrometers.
Piezoceramic actuators and motors are also increasingly being used in vacuums. Due to their compact design and high dynamics, they are well suited for small, fast linear or rotational stages.
Piezoelectric drives maintain the position without current, thereby not generating any heat, and are vacuum- compatible up to UHV as well as suitable for magnetic field applications. Velocities of up to 400 mm/s and repeatabilities of less than 50 nm are thus feasible. PI miCos has specialized in precise positioning systems for special ambient conditions and offers suitable product developments for different requirements.