Samsung has added to its SCP range of PTZ dome cameras with models that capitalize on the technology incorporated into the manufacturer’s Techwin’s W-V and SV-V DSP chipsets. The ten new day/night operation dome models collectively offer the choice of 27x, 33x or 37x optical zoom capability and provide options for both internal and external use, making them suitable for car parks, shopping centers, trading estates, airports, ports and other high security applications.
The W-V chipset provides cameras with the ability to capture superb quality color images at up to 600 TV lines color resolution. They also incorporate Super Dynamic Range (SSDR) which automatically lightens the dark areas within a scene, allowing an operator to ‘view’ objects in the shadows. Other technically advanced features include Highlight Compensation which neutralizes excessively bright areas of an image enabling an operator to view previously hidden details and Digital Image Stabilization (DIS) that can negate the effects of a dome shaking due to high winds or building vibration.