So the user can take full advantage of an extreme insensitiveness of the sensor to interference. As the measuring signals are entirely created and digitally processed in the sensor, the sensor cable only assumes power supply and data transfer of the complete and digital coating thickness value. Again, the emphasis in put on “digital”, i.e. free from interference and thus measuring errors.
The three models of the 700 series offers you a flexible solution to all your measuring requirements. Be it on steel or on non-ferrous substrates, this new series is the ideal tool for all branches of the finishing industry where a reliable corrosion protection plays a major part in quality control (e. g in the automotive industry, shipbuilding, steel
construction, bridge building or electroplating industry).
A large sensor selection is available for measuring on ferrous, non-ferrous, or on both substrates to cover the different measuring ranges up to 15 mm (F sensors). Additional feature of the FN sensors: they automatically identify the substrate material (ferrous or non-ferrous). While the 720 model comes with a built-in sensor and the 730 with an external sensor, the MiniTest 740 offers you both options in just one
model: this model can be used with built-in or external sensor. Just use the adapter cable and you can change the built-in sensor into an external one.
All sensors feature an excellent stability of readings, e. g. a reproducibility of ± (0.5microns+ 0,5% of reading) and a tolerance of ±(1micron +0,75% of readings).
The extremely good reproducibility and precision also result from the increased rate of sensor characteristics curve acquisition necessary during the manufacturing process of the SIDSP® sensors. Compared to the conventional sensors, this is of clear advantage because with respect to the labour-extensive work, the analogue sensors are only calibrated at very few points. In addition, the sensors of the new MiniTest 700 series feature an increased temperature compensation. The user-friendly menu along with the convenient data management and statistics program make this series an ideal and most convenient tool for quality control in the finishing industry. The user menu offers up to 25 languages, a maximum of 100,000 data can be stored in 10 batches
(MiniTest 720 and 730) or up 100 batches (MiniTest 740).
Summary: The new SIDSP® technology based MiniTest 700 series offers utmost accuracy and reproducibility. Measurement is free from interference as the signals are completely created and processed in the sensor. There is no data loss via the sensor cable. The sensors are highly resistant and feature an optimum temperature compensation to cover a wide range of applications.