The ranges of output voltages vary from 0 – 15 V to 0 – 180 V. The preselection of output voltage and output current takes place via an analogue interface (voltage / current). The output values are precisely regulated to within ± 1.5 %. Load compensation of max. ± 2 V via sense leads. A transients filter protects the input from high input peaks and a soft start circuit ensures a smooth start-up.
The devices are permanently short circuit-proof and deliver one hundred percent performance without derating up to an ambient temperature of 60 C. Design, selec-tion of components and burn-in ensure reliability under the hardest conditions. The devices fulfil Camtec’s typi-cally high standards of resistance to vibration and shaking. Thanks to their efficiency of over 90 % they develop very little heat loss. The power system is developed and manufactured in Germany.
The HSEUIreg devices are offered in Germany and Switzerland by Schulz-Electronic, the leading supplier of professional power supply systems in Germany and Switzerland. The team of 30 experts realize intelligent elec-trical supply concepts for their customers’ applications in industry, from the automotive sector to enterprises in the field of lasers and photovoltaics.