12/07/2009 • Focus on Products at Analytica • Laboratory appliances

Micro-Volume DNA Spectrophotometer

The AstraGene micro-volume spectrophotometer for DNA, RNA and Protein analysis was shown for the first time in Germany by Landgraf Laborsysteme (HLL) at the recent Biotechnica Exhibition in Hanover, Germany. The spectrophotometer is based on a novel, through-the-tip measurement technique, that removes the need to dispense the sample from the pipette and fully protects the tiny 2 µl sample from any possible contamination and the effects of evaporative loss. It also enables the confident re-use of the full sample volume. The instrument uses a high resolution, UV enhanced, CCD array detector, with sample measurement, including a spectrum scan. The device has no moving or mechanical parts, almost completely eliminating maintenance and the need for re-calibration.

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AstraNet Systems Limited

Newton Hall Town Street
CB22 7ZE Cambridge

Phone: +44 (0) 1223 872197
Fax: +44 (0) 148 033 0017