Linear powdering machines
Fine dosing linear powdering machines are designed to master sprinkling of powders and granulate, to ensure a constant material throughput with good distribution profile on the width of the machine.
They are distinguished by their high flexibility: Throughput flow with adjustment in a ratio of 1 to100 (with motor rpm and outlet section of extractor) is possible. Additionally the system is applicable for any kind of material (from the finest powder up to granulates) with almost no segregation of particles. Besides mass flow regulation can be offered as an option.
The design of course is made in agreement with food industry requests.
Technical data :
Throughput flow stability Better than 5%
Max width Up to 2000 mm
Range of throughput flow Adjustable in a ratio of 1 to100
No particle size segregation Particle size distribution is respected.
Operation mode Continuous or batch
Exemplary task:
Continuous Powdering of flavours on potatoe snacks
The operator is a nameable producer of potatoe chips with a continuous process. The products are produced in different flavours, so flexibility of the line is a must. Besides there are very high quality and hygienic requests.
The main specifications are the following :
A special solution has been designed for this particular project, it mainly includes:
One Fine dosing linear powdering machine with a width of 1 m. Particular attention was paid to reduce losses of time at production changes: it includes a full discharge of the machine and simple settings of the machine to cope with various behaviors of powder (from free flowing like salt, to difficult powders likes paprika flavor). The adjustment of the output flow of flavor is made with a frequency inverter and with the setting of the output section. The range of flow is over 1 to 50.
The output cross direction profile can be adjusted thanks to 10 gate valves. The system, designed according GMP rules, is integrated on stainless steel structure that can be handled with a crane, to facilitate cleaning operation. The feeder is continuously refilled with a vacuum conveyor. The equalization of level of powder in the storage hopper is made with a screw integrated in the storage hopper. This machine demands almost no maintenance; cleaning operations can be handled with water.