Miltenyi Biotec has announced its new micro RNA-specific Mirxplore Microarray Kits and Services. The microarray contains more than 2,700 mammalian and viral micro RNAs as deposited in the Mirbase database (version 10.1). Developed and validated in close co-operation with leading micro RNA experts at Rockefeller University, a specific and sensitive micro RNA signal detection is possible down to 0.01 fmol. Furthermore, the microarrays extensive control system contains multiple positive, negative, and calibration controls for sample-independent normalisation as well as monitoring of critical experimental steps.
Two service options are available; one of them is the Mirxplore Microarray Universal Reference Service. Here, a unique synthetic micro RNA pool, containing more than 1,000 micro RNAs in equimolar concentration, is used as a reference, hybridisation control, or as a quality control for mi RNA microarray hybridisations.