Horiba Jobin Yvon introduced the bench-top spectrofluorometre Fluoromax-4-TCSPC. It features a sensitivity of at least 400,000 cps for the water-Raman peak at 397 nm, and a signal-to-noise ratio of 3000:1 minimum, and it can produce lifetime data. Fluorescence measurements are particularly easy, it has a wide range of accessories, and the new FluorEssence software for Windows. Suited for basic research, analytic measurements, and quality control, the system uses an ozone-free xenon arc lamp for broadband coverage from the UV to near-IR (up to 1.0 um with the 2658 option). For lifetime measurements, plug and play pulsed LEDs or Lasers are available to take maximum advantage of the ultra-sensitive TCSPC technique.