If a limit is infringed, the Multitext display, which has a configurable color scheme, indicates the process alarm in unmistakable plain text. Alarm text messages can also be displayed as event-controlled messages with up to
24 characters in a moving text output.
Even the basic version includes, as well as the analog input, two binary inputs/outputs and two switching outputs, in addition to the interface for setup and configuration. The configurable analog input permits the connection of RTDs, thermocouples, resistance transmitters and standard current and voltage signals.
The three option slots that are available allow the user to adapt the instrument to suit every kind of measurement task within the process. No less than seven different plug-in modules are available, implemented with electrical isolation for multiple measuring inputs, relays, binary inputs, analog outputs, S485 interface, PROFIBUS-DP interface, and solid-state relay outputs.
In the fully built out version, the JUMO di308 supports a fast signal sampling time of 50msec, whereby the limit monitoring, which is just as fast, ensures that its message is passed on via an output module.
The numerous display options, such as the Min/Max value display, Hold value display, taring function as well as various kinds of limit monitoring, can be set up in the clearly structured user interface with the 4 keys on the front panel or through the comfortable setup program.
A wide variety of process values can be handled, such as temperature, pressure, force, humidity, current and voltage. If special sensors are to be used, then a customer-specific linearization table is available, or the coefficients of the polynomial can be entered.
The additional options make the indicator very flexible in use. A further option is the use of 2 free display channels for math or logic functions derived from combinations of measurements.
The math function, for instance, can be used in conjunction with pressure transmitters to implement a filling-level monitoring for horizontal tanks.
And with the optional RS485 interface, the instrument can be linked into a plant network, using the MODbus protocol. A connection via PROFIBUS-DP permits the exchange of process data and message texts between the indicator and a PLC.
The optional analog output module can pass on the indicated process value to other devices, such as recorders or controllers, as a standard signal that is also electrically isolated.
The membrane keypad on the front panel has IP65 enclosure protection, ensuring reliable operation even in very hostile environments.
Two power supply options are available:
110 — 240V AC, 48 — 63Hz or 20 — 53V AC/DC, 48 — 63Hz. The 18V/30mA supply output can be used to supply a 2-wire transmitter. Screw terminals are provided for the electrical connection.
Important areas of application are:
- thermal process engineering
- test beds
- weigher systems
- the food and luxury foods industry
- plant and equipment engineering
- chemical and pharmaceutical installations
- the packaging and plastics industry
- building automation
- heating, ventilation, and air conditioning (HVAC)
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