Persistent organic pollutants (POP), such as dioxine or PCBs, are extremely toxic for humans and animals. They accumulate in living organisms, are carcinogenic, and affect reproduction. Its chemical analysis often requires concentration of a big extraction volume down to a small residual volume. The Syncore Analyst of Büchi Labortechnik has been designed to perform this task efficiently and at low cost for up to 12 samples simultaneously. The samples are concentrated down to a predefined residual volume, which is kept cool by a circulating coolant. In combination with a back flush module, recovery rates of over 90% are achieved (this even applies to hexachlorocyclohexanes such as HCH or nitromusky compounds, respectively). Similar to rotary evaporators, the volatile components are gathered by a condenser in a collecting vessel, with the solvents thus being regained. Therefore, compared to N2-flow based systems, there is no need for a fume cupboard and running costs are remarkably lower. In addition, no dangerous substances are released into the atmosphere due to efficient condensation. Hence, the Syncore instrument contributes to healthier working conditions and environmental protection.