The use of Extracellular Matrix (ECM) as a coating for tissue culture surfaces permits the development of model systems which closely mimic in vivo conditions. The choice of ECM is important to consider when optimi-zing in vitro culture systems. BD Biosciences extends its line of ECM proteins by launching human Osteopontin. Osteopontin is involved in normal and pathological (arthrosclerosis) mineralization, kidney function, leukocyte recruitment, tissue remodeling, cell survival, and tumorigenesis. The new ECM component can be used as a coating on tissue culture plates and as an additive for cell culture. BD Osteopontin is prepared from human milk and available with 50 µg in a 1.5 ml screw cap vial, tested negative for bacteria, fungi and mycoplasma, with an endotoxin level lower than 0.5 EU/µg.
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