The safe transfer of liquid media within a closed and sterile system, as is
frequently required in chemical and biotechnology laboratories in
particular, is ensured by the new connection system from DURAN of Mainz.
The GL45-thread screw-caps are supplied with 2, 3 or 4 outlets or ports as
they are known. By applying positive or negative pressure, liquids and
suspensions can be pumped out of or into the bottle via the screw-cap.
Different hose diameters can be fitted by using a universal GL14 hose
adapter with various inserts. A supplementary 0.2 µm membrane filter can be
used to provide a sterile pressure equalization on one of the outlets.
The system is modular in design. Users select the components needed in
accordance with their requirements and the application in question. All
the individual parts are mutually compatible and fit original SCHOTT DURAN
laboratory glass bottles with GL45-threads.
The connection system is ideally suited, in combination with SCHOTT DURAN
laboratory glass bottles, for storage and dispensing in automatic analysis
methods such as HPLC, LC, IMS and titration.
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