This cooled digital camera system with 12bit dynamic has an extraordinary sensitivity in the UV spectrum of light (QE » 15% @ 254nm and QE » 10% @ 193nm). Furthermore it has on-chip gain, such that the readout noise of the camera can be neglected (< 1 e- rms @ gain > 50). With its excellent resolution of 1004x1002pixel this camera has a much better resolution than the camera systems which achieve UV sensitivity by an additional luminophore layer on the image sensor.
The system features thermo-electrical cooling of the image sensor (down to – 16 °C) and an exposure time range (software selectable) of 75 µs - 1h (whereas the readout of the frame transfer CCD image sensor takes 1ms, which means, that shorter exposure times just allow for the imaging smaller areas than full frame). A high speed serial data link connects the system to the PC (fiber optic link available).
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