The cooled CCD camera system pco.4000 has excellent qualities for life science applications. The resolution of 4008x2672pixel can replace a lot of images at high magnification from a microscope by one image at lower magnification and therefore extending the lifetime of the bio markers.
Due to its 36x24mm image sensor format the camera can be hooked with its Nikon-F-Mount to many microscopes. Because of its cooled 14bit performance it is absolutely suited for low light applications. The camRAM, the image memory integrated into the camera (up to 4GB), allows for new ways of operation like for example a ring buffer mode with post trigger opportunity.
A post trigger is useful if the moment of a dynamic experiment can be seen but is not known precisely in advance. If now the camera operates in ring buffer mode, when the moment arrives the acquisition can be stopped and the past images remain in the memory, therefore the "history" is not lost.
Like all systems of the new series, it has multiple speed, allowing for either low noise (12 e- @ 8MHz) or high frame rate (3.48 fps @ 32MHz) operation. The camera is connected to a PC via standard interfaces (IEEE1394, camera link and from Q4/2007 GigE Vision).
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