During Powtech 2005 Glatt introduced the ProCell 5, the laboratory unit for continuous processes. Using this unit our customers can evaluate not only the innovative
spouted bed technology but also fluid bed processes. Working in a 1 kg scale, new recepices can be developed and the process for the production of new products can be optimized.
An internal filter with a large filter area ensures a stable process over a long time, which is a big advantage for continuous spray granulation processes. Agglomeration of powder and coating of particles can be tested in batch and continuous operation.
Some of our customers are using the ProCell 5 for the production of product samples and run the laboratory unit from Monday till Friday in 3 shifts. In order to give even more flexibility Glatt developed an increased processing chamber. With a net volume of 15 l higher throughputs can be achieved in batch and continuous mode. For some specialty products with frequently changing recipes this might even be sufficient for production purposes.
The ProCell 5 is manufactured in small series in order to offer it at an attractive price and to shorten the delivery time. The reaction of the market is very positive, since the last Powtech more than 10 laboratory units were ordered.
In addition to this
pilot and production units were delivered to our customers. At the moment the first production units are in the commissioning phase. One of them is used for the production of micro-encapsulated flavor oils. At this product the advantages of the ProCell can be fully utilized. Small product volumes in the processing chamber allow a frequent product change, at the same time ensuring short residence times. By this means the loss of volatile and temperature sensitive flavors is minimized.
If you want to learn more about the ProCell and the spouted bed technology there is a good opportunity during Powtech 2007. You will find us in Hall 11.0, Booth 11-105. The well known hospitality at the Glatt booth is the right environment to discuss special product and process requirements in detail.
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