
Airport elastic snow plough 620 KLe

The Kahlbacher elastic snow plough - Model Vampir 620 KL is an 8-blade side plough which was developed specifically for clearing wide areas in one go. Special importance was attached to the combined use with jetbroom equipment.

To meet the requirements of large clearing width on the one hand and low transport- and parking width on the other hand the snow plough is designed as folding plough.

Heavy trucks with winter service equipment or automotive jetbroom equipment with front-end snow plough mounts can be used as implement carriers.

The upper part of the plough blades is arched. This prevents effectively that snow is hurled over the edge of the blade unto the implement carrier. Thus no additional towering snow dust guard restricting the visibility is required with the KLe type.
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Toni Kahlbacher GmbH & Co. KG

St. Johanner-Str. 48
6370 Kitzbühel

Phone: +43 (0) 53 56/6 25 11-0
Fax: +43 (0) 53 56/6 25 11-9