The Towbarless Aircraft Tractors type AST-1 X have been designed for a faster, safer, more flexible and cost-efficient handling of aircraft up to 600 tons MTOW (e.g. A380)
The capabilities of the AST-1 X reach from pushback, extended pushback, gate-to-gate movements to high-speed long distance maintenance towings (AST-1 X 800) and low-speed short distance maintenance towings (AST-1 X 400).
A special highlight is that the AST-1 X, while being specifically built for wide-body aircraft like the A 380, is based on the proven components of the AST-1 F. It represents the latest generation of aircraft tractors.
The well-considered concept of the 6 drive wheels does not only enable to use proven standard components but also considerably reduces the ground pressure and the static load friction required for the tractive power transmission. It also optimizes the driving dynamics for heavy aircrafts at high speeds.
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