Central software management and administration guarantee a straightforward integration in medical IT systems, like Hospital Information Systems (HIS) or Electronic Patient Records (EPR); the adaptable scalability allows for up to 15,000 users per system.
Another unique feature of SpeechMagic is autonomous speaker detection that helps to protect the individual language profiles, which store data on the author’s pronunciation, dictation style and specific dialect. Should an author by mistake dictate using a colleague’s language profile, SpeechMagic will not make any changes to the user-related settings and reference files. Otherwise SpeechMagic immediately adjusts the language profile to an author’s dictation style and pronunciation, thus further improving recognition accuracy.
To make the transcription of dictations more effective, SpeechMagic calculates the expected correction effort and decides autonomously to which typist the document is sent for completion. Documents with a high correction effort, for example, are sent to experienced typists, as they will be able to edit these documents faster than less experienced ones.
Overview of features
- Male and female authors are automatically distinguished (gender detection) and assigned to the corresponding profile; therefore even authors who do not yet have a language profile will achieve high recognition rates right from the beginning
- Intelligent technology (Intelligent Speech Interpretation) recognizes the meaning of what is said and delivers finished reports and physician’s letters with a minimum of human intervention
- Automatic adjustment to a user’s pronunciation, dictation style and vocabulary guarantees an accurate recognition system safe for the future
- Due to the support of multiple processors for each computer, speech recognition is run in conjunction with other complex applications (RIS7PACS) on one PC. This helps hospitals to reduce their hardware costs
- Full compatibility with Citrix® for thin client applications
More than 200 companies worldwide integrate SpeechMagic in medical IT and report creation systems. Among those are local partners like Kuhlmann-Informations-Systeme, DictaPlus, datatronic beka technologies and Mathol Systemhaus, as well as international providers like AGFA Healthcare, GE Healthcare, iSOFT, Kodak Health, Philips Medical Systems and Siemens Medical Solutions.
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