Experiments, no matter to investigate a specific sub-clone or to study of mixed bacteria cultures by their metabolic activities, require a set up allowing reproducible cultivation conditions. As the investigation of a whole number of critical aspects, e.g. temperature, pH and dissolved oxygen (DO), can easily get extensive, a technology to look into different combinations at the same time, i.e. allowing to work in parallel, will help to reduce time and other resources spend on selection and optimization.
And this is exactly what DASGIP has to offer: A parallel small-scale cultivation system providing controlled conditions. By combining different modules for monitoring, dosing, feeding and documentation, all integrated with each other, process parameters are controlled in a tight range. For instance, the mass-flow controlling gassing module supplies a precise mix of up to four gases for pH and DO control. Another example are the peristaltic micro-pumps of the feeding module, which have a variable speed drive delivering continuous feeding with each of its eight channels.
Samples can be taken from one of the up to 18 ports of the reactors’ head plates - sterile and in parallel to feeding and dosing. Individual parameters of a single or every culture can be isolated and optimized. Every DASGIP module serves at least four vessels in parallel.
On the market for 15 years now, DASGIP has established as technology leader in small scale production, cell line and strain characterization as well as process development. Consequent further developments have broadened vessel ranges (from 35 mL to 15 L) as well as application fields (from stem cell research to process optimization) match the needs of the markets such as health care, food, feed and fine chemistry, now and in the future.