06/01/2017 • Security, Intrusion Detection, Perimeter Protection

ÜLock-B Inductive

Inductive Locking System

With inductive energy transfer between the lock and the strike plate, battery replacement and wiring are a thing of the past. And without the need for a battery, the lock contributes to environmental protection. In addition, ÜLock-B Inductive does not limit a door in its design, since any standard fitting can be combined with it.

Existing electronic lock systems can be connected, making it ideal for new and existing objects. ÜLock-B Inductive is compatible with its versatile control systems (fingerscan, RFID, keyboard, hand-held transmitter) that communicate with an AES 128 encrypted wireless device. The lock has a panic function and is self-locking, thus offering permanent anti-burglary protection.

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Süd-Metall Beschläge GmbH

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83404 Ainring/Hammerau

Phone: +49 8654 4675-50
Fax: +49 8654 4675-70

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