04/17/2012 • Analytics • Laboratory appliances

NanoTemper's Monolith Uses Microscale Thermophoresis

NanoTemper's Monolith is nominated in the category B Biotechnology and Life Sciences of the G.I.T. InnovationsAward 2012.
Monolith uses the new biophysical method Microscale Thermophoresis (MST) to quantify the affinity of biomolecular interactions. It enables to measure with native biomolecules, without the need to immobilize or label the molecules. According to the manufacturer its sample consumption is up to 1,000 times lower than it is with other devices. As MST has no mass or size limitations it allows to measure the binding of a single ion as well as the binding of ribosomes. One affinity measurement takes 10 minutes. The device enables to measure interactions such as the binding of small molecules to native GPCRs.

Category B: Biotechnology and Life Sciences

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--> Presens, hall A3, booth 251/350
--> GIT VERLAG, hall A2, booth 308/310


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81369 München

Phone: +49 (0) 89/ 45228951- 0
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