04/05/2012 • Analytics • Laboratory appliances

896 Professional Detector and 850 IC Amperometric Detector

Metrohm complements its portfolio of intelligent ion chromatography systems with an amperometric detector. As an alternative to conductivity and UV/VIS detectors it can always be used when electroactive (i.e. oxidizable or reducible) components are to be determined. The new amperometric detector excels by its high selectivity and measurement sensitivity. It can be used for sensitive and accurate determination of concentrations down to the ng/L-range.

The new amperometric detector features optimized measuring cells that are intelligent, maintenance-free, and easy to use. As a consequence of their three electrode design in the wall-jet or thin-layer geometry, they exhibit strikingly low noise and excellent signal strength. A variety of 2 mm and 3 mm electrodes in the usual materials of gold, silver, platinum, and glassy carbon are available for a wide variety of applications. The maintenance-free auxiliary and reference electrodes complement your detection system. This makes amperometric detection more robust and easier to use than ever before.

Depending on the application, the direct current mode (DC), the pulsed amperometric detection mode (PAD), the highly flexible integrated pulsed amperometric mode (flexIPAD), or the cyclovoltammetric mode (CV) may be used. The flexibility of the detector also includes the selection of the measuring signal: whether current or charge, users always benefit from reliable results.

Metrohm offers the amperometric detector in the form of an inlay detector (850 IC Amperometric Detector) or as a stand-alone detector (896 Professional Detector). Both instruments can either be used with an 850 Professional IC, with an 881 Compact IC pro, or with an 882 Compact IC plus. Depending on the task, they can be operated in series or parallel to other analytical channels. The ion chromatography software MagIC Net™ is used for control, data recording, and data evaluation.

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Metrohm AG

9101 Herisau

Phone: +41 (0) 71/ 3538- 585
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