02/19/2009 • Analytics • Laboratory appliances

TitroLine KF trace – The Coulometric Karl Fischer Titrator from SCHOTT Instruments

TitroLine KF trace is the new coulometric Karl Fischer titrator from SCHOTT Instruments GmbH, Mainz for determining water content.

The coulometric KF titrator has increasingly gained more importance during the last years. Especially within the petrochemical and plastic industry and also in the pharmaceutical area and many other industrial branches the coulometric type of KF titration has meanwhile become standard.

The TitroLine KF trace is a very compact, easy to use titrator. All that is to be done for a routine application, is to switch-on the instrument and press the start button. 10 methods are already stored, therefore the complicated entry of formulas and factors is not applicable. On the other hand, the methods can be adjusted to the specific needs of the user.


With the titration stand TM KF (module 2 and 4) the adding of solutions and the extraction of titrated solutions is safe and easy by pressing one single button.

The TitroLine KF trace delivery scope includes all necessary parts for a prompt start of titration: titrator, magnetic stirrer and titration stand TM KF with pump, titration vessel, micro platinum electrode and generating electrode (with or without diaphragm), as well as further accessories such as injections with cannulas and drying agent. For commissioning only a few parts have to be assembled.


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